David Toliver

Member 99-365

David has been a member of the Wichita Chapter and the Black Pilots of America since 1998. In the Wichita Chapter he has held the office of Secretary and later Vice-President. In addition, he has been the chapter representative on BPA Board of Directors until 2022.

David begins his flying career in the late 70’s and has subsequently earned his private and commercial pilot certificates with multiengine and instrument ratings, along with an advanced ground instructor certificate. He has accumulated over 3000 flight hours – all operating as a private pilot. I have flown over 600 young eagle flights.

He has attended ten national Board and five Membership meetings, as well as Operation Skyhook twenty-one times. I served on the national election committee twice. He has volunteered as a competition judge three times at Skyhook. I have volunteered to teach ground school at the summer flight Academy in 2022 and 2023.

Kansas City Blackhawks Chapter, KS