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To All BPA Chapter Presidents
The nomination period for the BPA Hall of Fame begins September 1 and ends at midnight September 30th.
No application will be accepted after that time.
The article below will explain the process.
Please pay close attention to all the requirements and deadlines.
Fred Lewis
To qualify for nomination into the BPA Hall of Fame (HOF) candidates must meet the following criteria:
a. Be a regular member of BPA
b. Have made a significant contribution to BPA on both the local and national level.
c. Be a member in good standing for ten consecutive years or more. Consideration will be given for less than 10 years of membership due to death.
1. Nomination submissions must be made by a chartered BPA chapter. Only one nomination per year is allowed per chapter. Any chapter may nominate any BPA Member that qualifies. Including deceased BPA members that qualify.
2. Nomination packet requirements are as follows:
a. Three letters of recommendation from BPA Members.
b. A Biography of 250 words or less that includes the qualifications outlined in paragraph 1.
c. Completed HOF ranking factor form.
3. Nominations must be submitted to the HOF Committee (HOFC) between 12:00 AM September 1st and no later than 11:59 PM September 30th each year. Nomination packets must be in digital format and emailed to Les Morris at .
4. Each member of the HOFC will conduct an independent review of each nomination packet submitted. The HOFC will meet and determine the satisfaction of qualifications, and score for each nominee. The nominees will be assigned an overall score based on the ranking factors listed below, R1 through R6.
5. Only the top five (5) scored nominations will be recommended for approval. The HOFC will submit their recommendations to the Board of Directors (BOD) for review, no later than January 1st of the following year.
6. The five (5) nominees presented to the BOD will be voted upon at the January Board Meeting. BOD must be present at the meeting to vote. Each nominee must receive affirmative votes with a minimum of 50% of the BOD plus one (1) to be approved.
7. After the initial year, five nominees or less will be admitted to the HOF per year.
8. Approved nominees will be inducted into the HOF during a ceremony at Operation Skyhook.
9. The display wall for The BPA HOF will be located at Grider Field (KPBF) Fixed Based Operator (FBO), Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
The ranking factors and associated points are as follows:
1. Years of membership to BPA: 20 point maximum, 1 point per year
2. Number of National events attended: 30 point maximum, 1 point per meeting/event. i.e. Board Meeting, Skyhook, Membership Meeting
3. Offices held in BPA (local and/or national): 20 point maximum, 1 point for each year served in office
4. Committees (national) served on in BPA: 10 point maximum, 1 point per year served on committee
5. Volunteer service (national) to BPA: 20 point maximum, 1 point per year served in volunteer capacity
6. FAA Ratings attained 10 point maximum, 1 point/rating NOTE: All FAA ratings included, i.e. not just FAA pilot ratings
7. In the event of a tie that affects the 5th place quantitative score in the evaluation, the Biography will be used as a qualitative tiebreaker